學名: Ludwigia sp.
年代:中生代/侏羅紀/中侏羅世/阿連期(階) Aalenian (176~172ma)
產地:Horn Park, Beaminster, Dorset, UK
這是一件藝術品層次的菊石標本,可說是又大又圓,以路德維希菊石來說算是相當大又完美的標本。看看這件菊石背面保留的原始樣貌,再對照正面費時費工清好的成果,大師的清修技藝令人讚嘆!這件菊石化石的產地礦區已關閉近二十年,在西元1985年當Andy Cowap 還是青少年的時候所採集的,整顆菊石清理並經過細緻的拋光,展現出內部礦化與縫合線之美。菊石正面的左右側有不同的礦化,右側屬於乳白潤澤的方解石礦化,縫合線完整而清晰;左側雖然是構成母岩的石灰岩填充而成,但其間的縫合線細看卻是透明的方解石礦化,也能呈現清晰的對比。個人相當喜歡的一件菊石標本,擺設於客廳案頭,猶如一輪明月,風格優雅。
賣家的說明:This is one of the finest examples we have seen of a polished Ludwigia from the famous Horn Park Quarry which closed down operations over eighteen years ago. This specimen was collected by Andy Cowap in 1985 as a young teenager. The outer shell has been ground off to a gem smooth finish then, a high polish applied to reveal stunning suture patterns throughout the ammonite. There is a small piece of matrix which the ammonite lies upon which has a cut base for ease of display. Approximately 175 million years old. A rare and unique item.
正逢大年除夕,蛇髮魔女 Medusa 祝福大家:蛇來運轉,大吉大利!