
 ← 最經典的平面拋光版馬斯頓大理岩。

  英國馬斯頓大理岩的傳奇性與珍貴性我想有蒐藏菊石的朋友都有所聞,平面拋光各種角度的菊石剖面,以特殊的礦化色調呈現與眾不同的美感。這件英國菊石清修大師 Andy Cowap 的作品算是很罕見的呈現方式。整件標本長68mm,佈滿原微菊石的母岩約略呈三角錐狀,頂端有一顆鶴立雞群的星菊石做為主角,另外陪襯有十多顆的原微菊石從母岩清出,母岩的間隙上也有不少小菊石的斷面。馬斯頓大理岩菊石的原生殼和氣室隔壁都是白色的,填上了深棕色的方解石礦化,平面拋光後因為強烈的對比而呈現清晰的菊石線條輪廓,而立體清修的菊石則能將黑白分明的縫合線凸顯出來,展現不同的美感,只是對清修的師父來說很費工。


Discovered by Andy some ten years ago whilst prospecting the rivers around this famous locality this piece of highly fossiliferous stone was embedded in the banking, taken back and prepared. There is an Asteroceras Marstonense (27mm) and many of the smaller ammonites, Promicroceras Marstonensis. The exact locality within Marston Magna still remains a mystery to this day and try as they might, many collectors have tried and failed to locate probably one of the most famous ammonite associations in history. Many of the ammonites have still retained their original white shell and underneath the shell reveals light brown and black Calcite preservation. This piece of marble indicates a major catastrophe which killed and covered over many millions of these ammonites in a single event. The marble which was discovered over two hundred years ago can be seen only in the Natural History Museum in London. Approximately 200 million years old.

  大意是說:這件標本的母岩是Andy Cowap在傳說中馬斯頓大理岩產地附近的河岸中找到的,並帶回去清修,上頭有一顆長27mm的星菊石,以及許多比較小顆的原微菊石,馬斯頓大理岩確切的產地仍然很神祕,很多人試著找卻都失敗了。這裡的菊石大都仍保有白色的原生殼,裡面有淺褐色至近黑色的方解石礦化。形成的原因是由於藻華中毒的單一事件,造成大量菊石死亡堆疊而成。馬斯頓大理岩被發現已有兩百多年的歷史了,只能在倫敦的自然史博物館中可看到展出,菊石的生存年代約兩億年前。


延伸閱讀:阿源兄/原微菊石的狂戀   化石狂/又見馬斯頓x2  化石澄清/馬斯頓大理岩拋光版   


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