學名:Poecilomorphus cycloides
年代:中生代/侏羅紀/中侏羅世//巴裘期(階) Bajocian (172~168ma)
產地:Milbourne Wick, Dorset, UK
金剛有變形的,其實菊石也有變形的。不是異形菊石喔!是變形菊石!希臘字根 poikilo- (ποικιλο-)有變化歧異之意,而morph-則有形態之意,所以 Poecilomorpus 這屬菊石就有“變形”的意思。變形菊石是一類外觀奇特的菊石,寬敞的腹側,粗大的肋條和龍骨,以致肋條龍骨間幾乎沒什麼間隙。和同是松寧菊石科的菊石屬,像是Sonninia松寧菊石 , Dorsetensia多塞特菊石 等大異其趣。這顆稀有的變形菊石保有大部份的住室,內鑄模完整度高,在內環氣室外保有部份方解石礦化的原生殼,在腹側顯露出內部的白色透明結晶與縫合線腹葉。此外,怪異的變形菊石標本其實很稀有,在原產地也已經不可復得了。
賣家原始說明:This rare and large example has an immaculate centre. The locality where this fine ammonite was discovered is no longer accessible to collectors hence its rarity. The venter of this type of ammonite is very broad with a strong keel and many ribs. An important addition for the collector of rare UK Oolithic ammonites.