學名:Cenoceras striatum
年代:中生代/侏羅紀/中侏羅世//巴裘期(階) Bajocian (172~168ma)
產地:Clatcombe, Dorset, UK
新角石可說是最常見的歐洲產鸚鵡螺化石,也是現生鸚鵡螺的直系始祖。然而,個人覺得歐洲產新角石的品相以這類型的最迷人,通常帶有灰白或淡黃的方解石礦化。由於產地小規模的崩坍露出,復又被迅速回填,所以標本的產量就很有限了。這件難得的新角石化石除了具有灰白色高品質的方解石礦化,還有個人最喜歡質純透明的大顆粒方解石結晶,細緻費工的寶石級拋光,再加上大師刻意造型拋光的母岩基座,殼口部份也有刻意雕飾,活像一座獎杯狀的藝術品!相信這樣的化石是雅俗共賞的精品吧。(Prepared byAndy Cowap)
賣家原始說明:Another beautiful solid calcite Nautilus which is approximately 167 million years old. All the matrix which the Nautilus is on has been shaped gem smooth and polished as well as the Nautilus. Many hours have gone into the preparation of this wonderful fossil which would make a unique feature in either the home or indeed office space as a gift. High quality calcite Nautilus from this world famous Oolithic locality are becoming very scarse to find due to a very small exposure which will soon be filled in !