學名:Witchellia cf.rubra
年代:中生代/侏羅紀/中侏羅世/巴裘期(階) Bajocian (172~168ma)
產地:Rubhar Sughar, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
維契爾菊石屬於巴裘階,松寧菊石科的成員,殼形扁平具有較小的臍部,腹側稍平坦,龍骨兩側形成兩條縱向的溝,側面的肋條較平滑而不突出。維契爾菊石算是較少見的菊石屬,尤其是產於蘇格蘭著名的Skye島就更罕見了,年代較當地典型的 路德維希菊石 晚一個階,和當地同樣很罕見的 佩勒寇德菊石 多塞特菊石 有近親的關係。
賣家的原始說明:This beautiful and rare example has been preserved in solid calcite and lies in a generous piece of fossiliferous matrix. Ammonites from this zone are extremely difficult to find at this locality thesedays from overcollecting by academics, museums and private collectors alike. Also, the lack of erosion is another factor. Approximately 173 million years old.